Ofori Panin Senior High School (OPASS) is a co-educational institution located in Kukurantumi, Eastern Region of Ghana. Established in 1961 by Kwame Nkrumah, the school, formerly known as Tafo-Kukurantumi Senior High School, is renowned as a boarding school promoting academic excellence and community values.
The motto, "Dwen Na Som" - Think and Serve, encapsulates our core philosophy. Our crest, featuring a leopard, torch, cutlass, and tree, represents strength, enlightenment, agricultural roots, and the rich forest heritage of Akyem Abuakwa.
We pride ourselves on nurturing future leaders by providing a balanced education that combines academic rigor with personal growth and cultural appreciation.
Insights from our global alumni community
"Ofori Panin taught me to think critically and serve with purpose. An unforgettable journey."
"At OPASS, I built lifelong friendships and skills that continue to serve me well."
"The enriching experiences at OPASS built a foundation of resilience and strength."